Deer outside my studio window this morning. Spring is here.
“There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”
Early on, I spent years sitting on a cold, hard bench facing dimly lit models, learning how to draw and paint at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA. I loved that school.
I was first introduced to Art Center when I was awarded Saturday Drawing Sessions from my high school teacher. Thank you Mrs. French, this changed my life. I graduated with honors on a full scholarship. I studied with the best working designers and artists in LA.
Starting with a portfolio of student work,
I jumped right in making cold calls. I worked steadily for over 10 years as an airbrush illustrator for marketing firms in LA. I was doing all I ever wanted.
Moving on through decades of graphic design and illustration, I worked for such companies as Universal Studios, Disneyland, the NFL and Fox. I proudly achieved my goal to successfully make my living as an illustrator and designer. However, after many creative and productive years and even after raising two successful sons, I searched for more personal and meaningful work.
These days you can find me sitting on my warm, comfy chair at my easel or iMac in my beautiful studio in rural Washington, close to the Cascades. I live here with my best friend and husband of 38 years. My "rescued" doberman, Alex is always with me whether painting, hiking, or exploring with my camera.
For work and mostly pleasure, I have travelled to Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, South America, and the US. The point is, I have seen wild places and I have seen cities and I choose the wild places. I choose to paint wild animals and birds in their natural habitat where design is the most beautiful and where God’s work speaks passionately. Proving form follows function; nature is the most complex, intricate and highly detailed of all subjects. This places me firmly in agreement with the urgency of conservation. Now it’s personal. Now it's meaningful.
As I strive toward excellence, I hope my paintings resonate with you. They are nothing if not for you and our children’s children. They’re for the wild places without which we cannot be well civilized.
As Seth Godin states, “Excellence is not about working extra hard to do what you are told. It’s about taking the initiative to do work you decide is worth doing.”
Well worth doing.
Alex at 14 weeks. She is my ever so faithful studio buddy.